Cristina Costes: „Performanceworkshop“
10-15 Participant (Adults) | 120 min
This workshop is an invitation to all of those interested in learning and trying out the elements and fundamental tools of creating a performance. We will explore the expressiveness of the human body and ordinary, every-day objects and experiment individually as well as in the group.
Hanno Wukasch: „Puppet construction workshop for children“
Sat 10.00-12.00
Puppet construction in an easy and original way: Starting the journey at the head made out of foamed rubber, continuing with the eyes, the mouth and the shirt or dress passing over to the gesture, language, mimics. Come and try out!
Haspler Rostock: „Impro-theatre workshop“
Sat 17.00-19.00, Sun 14.00-16.00 at Casinohangar
Nothing trains creativity, sensibility and personality as much as improvisation theatre. Together we unsheathe buried fantasies and hidden creativity. The approach to people, the perception of self and others, the ability to communicate, the capacity for teamwork, spontaneity and autonomous thinking, all that gets improved and advanced in improvisational theatre. And most importantly: Don’t forget about the fun! This trial lesson offered by Haspler from Rostock provides an insight in basic exercises in improvisation theatre and at the same time communicates endless delight in acting.
Jana Winkel: „ Circus workshop for children“
Cabaret Hangar | Sat 15-17, Sun 10-12
Acrobatics describe the artistic way of movement of the circus people. This workshop is an adventure playground for younger and older kids that enjoy movement and dislocation. Come and try for yourself!
Janine: „Screenprint Workshop“
Sat und Sun 16.00-18.00 | at the Datscha balcony
Laura Cristovao: „Hatha-Yoga Workshop“
Datscha | Sat 10.00-11.30
The Anusara-stile, a dynamic and forming Hatha Yoga stile, based upon a precise adjustment of the body. The emphasis of this practice lies in opening up your heart!
Laura Cristovao: „Partner Yoga Workshop“
Datscha | Sat 16.30-18.30
Come with or without partner and be surprised! In pairs we are stronger, more flexible and relaxed. Trust in the play of partner yoga!
Martin Weller: „Contact Impro“
Datscha | maximum of 30-40 Participants | Sat 12.00-14.00, Sun 10.00-12.00
We play with our partners and gravity. At times as calm and flowing as Tai Chi, at times lively and acrobatic like Capoeira. Through travelling contact points weight is released and perceived, always on the search of mutual balance. Experience, sportsmanship or a partner, are not required.
Nike Herrberg: „Akrobatics Workshop“
For parents with children | Sun 15.00-16.30 | Datscha
Tycho Pfifferling: „Swing-Dance Crash Course“
Datscha | Sat 14.30-16.00 Sun 12.30-14.00 | 90 minutes
Dance with feeling! This is where its all happening! You’re up for an introduction to swing dancing with Luise und Tycho. With or without partner, come and swing with us!