[Translate to english:] at.tension#4 - Theater anders erleben
From September 9th – 11th 2011, for the fourth time, the Kulturkosmos Müritz will open it’s gates to present a theatre spectacle of a very special kind: Welcome to the at.tension#4!
After one year of break, on the second September-weekend of 2011, the Kulturkosmos once again will turn into a centre of contemporary theatre happening in Europe. The at.tension#4 once more will be filled with inimitability, craziness, performance, spectacle, dance and theatre. It will provide a platform for young, provocative, spectacular, experimental, bizarre, unusual and rich in contrast theatre and guarantee a cultural experience of a very special kind mixed with the collective adventure of experiencing the unknown. In more than 70 performances in three days, about 50 international groups of different cultural backgrounds will present their artwork to the audience.
The pretension, to present theatre which is accessible irrespective to age, origin and previous knowledge is mirrored in the ambitious programme. Dust is removed and a refreshed and lively approach to theatre is aspired. This year’s emphasis is lying on contemporary French theatre art. With a multiplicity of high-quality productions such as Cie.Dicidence, La Chouing, Astuce et cie and French co-productions like Magnet we take a closer look at their stages and what else might serve as such.
Also, artistically challenging street-theatre will once again present a key aspect of the at.tension#4. Irrespective of technologies and stages every possible site of the area can and will be utilised and thus, will be turned into a free podium. Another important part of the festival will be the multifaceted programme especially created for children, teenagers and families. In addition, the performance-programme will be completed by a selected cinema-, workshop- and club- programme, including concerts, walk-acts and audio dramas.