
Der Tod Des Don Cristobal (The Death of Don Cristobal)
Puppet theatre for old and young

Geheimnis unterm Hochhaus (The Mystery under the High Rise)
Figure theatre

Jumping Mouse
The stories of MAUS, who jumps

Märchenstunde (Fairy Tale Hour)
from Olaf Steinl, Fairy-Tale-Teller

Operation Wasserschlacht (Operation Waterfight)
Puppet theatre for children 4 and older

Workshop mit dem Helmi! (Workshop with Helmi)
Circus-workshop for children 4 and older


C64 Lounge
a voyage back to the beginning of computer games use of gaming machine is explicity encouraged!

The Art of Pinpongcountry
everything is concerned with circling table tennis and country music. Including country- & western-DJs!